Under Offer
£65,000Via upvc framed double glazed door.
Stairs accessing the first floor, understairs storage cupboard, door leading into:-
5.842m x 3.6576m - 19'2" x 12'0"
Upvc framed double glazed window, 2 radiators, feature coal effect fireplace with marble inset and hearth, additional upvc framed double glazed window, ample space for dining table and chairs.
2.6162m x 2.1844m - 8'7" x 7'2"
Fitted with a good range of base and wall units finished in grey, heat resistant worktops, stainless steel sink unit with mixer tap, integrated oven with hob and chimney extractor hood, space for fridge freezer, plumbing for automatic washing machine, 2 upvc framed double glazed windows, lino flooring, door accessing the rear of the property.
Upvc framed double glazed window.
4.2672m x 2.794m - 14'0" x 9'2"
Upvc framed double glazed window, radiator, built in storage cupboards.
4.1656m x 2.7432m - 13'8" x 9'0"
Upvc framed double glazed window, radiator, built in storage cupboards.
2.4384m x 2.1336m - 8'0" x 7'0"
Upvc framed double glazed window, radiator.
Fitted with a 3 piece suite comprising:- overhead shower, pedestal handwash basin, low level WC, tiling to the walls, upvc framed double glazed window, radiator, built in storage cupboard, extractor.
To the front of the property there is a hedge enclosed lawned garden with flagged walkway leading to the property whilst to the rear there is an extensive fence enclosed mainly laid to lawn garden with hard standing area and flagged patio.
125 Newgate Street,
Bishop Auckland
DL14 7EN