Under Offer
£26,500Stairs accessing the first floor, access into:-
5.0292m x 3.683m - 16'6" x 12'1"
Upvc framed double glazed window, radiator, feature fireplace, understairs storage cupboard, access into:-
5.0292m x 2.8194m - 16'6" x 9'3"
Fitted with a good range of base and wall units finished in a light beech, heat resistant worktops, stainless steel sink unit with mixer tap, oven with hob and extractor, plumbing for automatic washing machine, tiling to splashbacks, space for fridge & freezer, upvc framed double glazed window, radiator, tiled flooring, door accessing the rear of the property.
Loft access, radiator.
Fitted with a well appointed 3 piece suite comprising:- panel bath with overhead shower, pedestal handwash basin, low level WC, part tiling to the walls, upvc framed double glazed window, radiator, lino flooring, extractor.
4.9276m x 4.5974m - 16'2" x 15'1"
Upvc framed double glazed window, radiator, 3 built in storage cupboards.
3.2004m x 3.1496m - 10'6" x 10'4"
Upvc framed double glazed window, radiator.
To the front of the property there is a good size fence enclosed garden whilst to the rear there is a wall enclosed yard with brick built outhouse which can be utilised for storage.
125 Newgate Street,
Bishop Auckland
DL14 7EN