Under Offer
£200,000To the front is a wall enclosed garden, with driveway leading to integrated garage
Entrance via UPVC door into, UPVC double glazed windows
Timber door into main entrance hallway, radiator, stairs leading to the first floor, under stair storage cupboard
4.572m x 3.6322m - 15'0" x 11'11"
UPVC double glazed window, radiator, fire
4.7498m x 3.0226m - 15'7" x 9'11"
UPVC double glazed window, radiator
3.81m x 3.6576m - 12'6" x 12'0"
Range range of wall and base units, heat resistant work surfaces, stainless steel sink unit with mixer tap, UPVC double glazed window, radiator, door accessing the utility, serving hatch, plumbing for dishwasher, storage cupboard
3.6322m x 1.5748m - 11'11" x 5'2"
Wall mounted gas fired combi boiler, plumbing for washing machine, UPVC door accessing rear garden
Loft access
3.9624m x 3.4036m - 13'0" x 11'2"
UPVC double glazed window, radiator, built in wardrobes
4.5212m x 2.5146m - 14'10" x 8'3"
UPVC double glazed window, radiator
3.429m x 3.175m - 11'3" x 10'5"
UPVC double glazed window, radiator
2.54m x 2.3622m - 8'4" x 7'9"
UPVC double glazed window, radiator, storage cupboard
1.6256m x 0.762m - 5'4" x 2'6"
Low flush WC, UPVC double glazed window, tiling to all four walls
1.651m x 1.524m - 5'5" x 5'0"
Panel bath, pedestal hand wash basin, UPVC double glazed window, tiling to all four walls, radiator
2.667m x 2.5146m - 8'9" x 8'3"
Walk in shower shower enclosure with over head electric shower, hand wash basin, bidet, low flush WC, UPVC double glazed window, radiator.
Fence enclosed garden area with raised lawn with mature planted trees and shrubs
21 Athenaeum Street,