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Dowen Estate & Letting Agents Auction Store Sunderland

Dowen Estate & Letting Agents Auction Store Sunderland
43 Frederick Street
T: 0191 5142299
E: catherine.calvert@dowen.co.uk

Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday : 9am - 5pm
Saturday : 9am - 12:30pm

Ray Hewison
Auction Co-Ordinator

Telephone: 0191 5142299

I have been employed with the Great North Property Auction to which Dowen was a founding member since its outset in 2014.

My role is to co-ordinate the sale of the properties that Dowen Estate Agents presents, to us, to offer at auction.

I maintain regular contact with vendors, co-ordinate on-line and public property auctions, negotiate sales, process buyer deposits and essentially keep everything on track

If you are looking for a quick sale secured by a non refundable buyer deposit, please discuss this with Dowen or click here for a free valuation and I'll be in touch when I get your details.

Outside of work, I enjoy socialising with my friends and family. Plus of course I love travelling.

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