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Dowen Estate & Letting Agents Spennymoor

Dowen Estate & Letting Agents Spennymoor
51 High Street
DL16 6BB
T: 01388 819900
E: darren.watts@dowen.co.uk

Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday : 9am - 5pm
Saturday : 9am - 12:30pm

Team Dowen Spennymoor

Telephone: 01388 819900



Located on the high street, the Dowen Spennymoor branch is the optimum of estate agency professionalism.

Why?   Because inside are two of the best people in the business to look after you and your property related matters. True estate agents with decades of estate agency experience between them.

If you have a home to sell, take to auction or let, please give valuer Darren 15 minutes at your property to provide you with details of our remarkable service and competitive charges.

Our reputation speaks for itself by way of our ongoing exceptional sales and letting successes.

Over the years we have sold and let hundreds and hundreds of properties in Spennymoor and County Durham.



CALL 01388-819900 


Darren Watts
Branch Manager & Valuer

Telephone: 01388 819900

I transferred from another estate agent to join Team Dowen at the Spennymoor branch early in 2014. Since then I've overseen a full refit of the branch and seen our sales and lettings performance really take off. The branch performance has improved year on year.

Our Spennymoor area customers are constantly giving fabulous feedback about our enthusiasm and remarkable service.

If you are ready to sell, simply ask me to call out for a free valuation. You can book by calling in, phoning us on 01388 819900 or click here to book on line.  It will be my pleasure to offer sound valuation advice based on my experiemnce and extensive local knowledge.

Outside of work I spend my time with my family and give plenty of attention to my young son.

Claire Teggert
Sales & Lettings Negotiator

Telephone: 01388 819900

My career with Dowen started in the Durham City branch before I made the move to Spennymoor which is also where I live.

My knowledge of the town and surrounding villages is first class.

In our branch I handle both sales and lettings, so whatever your estate agency needs, all you need do is contact me Claire and I will ensure you receive the very best of our remarkable service.

When not at work I have my two boys to care for. I like walking our dog and keeping fit.

Ray Hewison
Auction Co-Ordinator

Telephone: 01388 819900

I have been employed with the Great North Property Auction to which Dowen was a founding member since its outset in 2014.

My role is to co-ordinate the sale of the properties that Dowen Estate Agents presents, to us, to offer at auction.

I maintain regular contact with vendors, co-ordinate on-line and public property auctions, negotiate sales, process buyer deposits and essentially keep everything on track

If you are looking for a quick sale secured by a non refundable buyer deposit, please discuss this with Dowen or click here for a free valuation and I'll be in touch when I get your details.

Outside of work, I enjoy socialising with my friends and family. Plus of course I love travelling.

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